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Village Elementary School

Home of the Explorers
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BYOD Acceptable Use Agreement

Coronado Village Elementary

To be eligible for the use of computers and the Internet, students and parents must sign a District Technology Use Contract which will be returned to school and kept on file. Students must comply with all technology rules and regulations to maintain the privilege of using the equipment. Technology provides some great tools for learning. With the privilege of access to networked, Internet-ready computers, however, comes the responsibility of using the technology tools appropriately.
Be aware that inappropriate uses of the computer/network include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Using the computer as a tool for cheating – Copying, file sharing, plagiarizing, printing copies of work
  • Printing in class without teacher permission
  • Sending instant messages at anytime
  • Visiting unauthorized websites – Myspace, Youtube, Itunes, chat rooms, etc.
  • Using the computer outside of teacher directed activities
  • Playing unauthorized computer games
  • Downloading music programs, images, sites or music without teacher permission
  • Emailing without teacher permission
  • Displaying inappropriate language or images via screen, background, screen savers, marquee and icons
  • Touching or using another’s computer without owner’s permission
Consequences for misuse of technology include:
  • 1st offense: Loss of school wide computer privileges for 2 school days, phone call to parent, referral.
  • 2nd offense: Loss of school wide computer privileges for 5 school days, referral, consequences, parent, student, teacher and administrator conference, citizenship grade lowered.
  • 3rd offense: Loss of school wide computer privileges for 20 school days, referral, consequences, parent, student and administrator conference, citizenship grade lowered and placement on Choices List.
Note: Continual inappropriate use of technology may result in revocation of computer/network privileges for the remainder of the school year.