
Village Digital Media Library
Our library and librarian focus on enabling reading and research to be fun for students!
The librarian works closely with teachers to bridge what is being learned in the classroom to the library. One of the highlights of each class visit to the library is the read-alouds: a time where the librarian sits with the class and reads a story. Instead of students’ minds getting stuck on words as they learn to read, the intent of our read-alouds is to free up each child’s mind to visualize and explore the story as they hear it.
In addition to instilling a love for reading, all students have access to state-of-the-art Chromebooks for research and/or continuation of class work and projects.
Typically students visit the library every week.
Village Elementary Library is open 8:15 AM - 3:00 PM Monday-Friday.
Other than during Special's class time, students may visit the library when there are no other scheduled library classes or after school.
The library is CLOSED to students during recesses.
Students may keep their checked out books for 2 weeks before they will be marked overdue.
Reading Lists
Reading Resources
Below are some resources to ensure your child is reading at their independent level.
Scholastic Book Wizard: Use DRA2 level (K-5) or Lexile© from MAP for grades 3-8
Common Core State Standards Appendix: Texts and exemplars straight from the Common Core for each grade level